Add Low Maintenance Color To Your Yard With An Alpine Rock Garden

22 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Adding an alpine rock garden to your yard's design is a great way to add beauty while reducing water use and installing a low maintenance landscape feature. So, how can you install your own colorful garden? Here's a quick guide to getting the job done easily:

Look for a Sunny Spot

Alpine gardens work well in nearly any climate because of their natural durability. But, in general, they love a lot of sun. This makes them perfect to fill out a spot in your yard that's either chronically dry or that you find difficult to water. You will need to water this garden bed a little unless your climate gets lots of rain. If needed, install a drip irrigation system that can be set to automatically add water to a set schedule. 

Create a Raised Bed

Rock gardens look their best when viewed from a raised vantage point, so take the time to build up at least a little elevation before planting. You could do this by choosing a natural upslope in your yard, filing in dirt to create a berm, or even building a raised garden bed surrounded by low walls. You can add different elevations or a steppe system if you're working with a larger sloped area. 

Choose the Right Rocks

As its name suggests, rocks are going to be a key design element in your garden, so choose your rocks wisely. Look for a variety of sizes and shapes, but stick with a generally complementary color scheme among the rocks themselves. If there are nearby hardscape elements in the yard, such as pathways, a patio, or the house itself, look for landscape rocks that work with the colors already around them. Try to install boulders in odd numbers so they look more natural. Surround them with smaller rocks, stones, or pebbles to cover the ground. 

Add Alpine Plants

Once your rocks are in place, it's time to add fun plants around, below, and above them. Feel free to experiment with different textures and a mixture of greenery and flowers. Ground covers--such as creeping phlox, thyme, or candytuft--work great around large landscape rocks, and they require little maintenance. Succulents like sedum or iceplant are also good, drought-tolerant alpine plants. 

It's easy to see why an alpine garden is a favorite of gardeners who want to add something unique and beautiful to their landscape without making additional work for themselves. So why not get started on yours today?